🎉  New navigation

We’ve been looking at how you (most of you, anyway) find your way around the app. And we’ve improved the navigation to make it quicker for you to find what you need. Here are the main updates:

Improved shortcuts

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In the old navigation, the ‘Community’ shortcut took you to a section containing the bulletin board, groups, and address book (neighbours). Apart from the confusion caused by trying to cram as many items as possible into five shortcuts, we also know that most of you really just want to go to the bulletin board. So we’ve replaced the ‘Community’ with a link to ‘Posts’.

If you’re looking for the Address book or Groups, you can find these by tapping ‘More’. This is a new button that opens the complete navigation as a drawer. It replaces ‘My home’ - a shortcut that hardly any of you ever used anyway.

The drawer

The updated drawer contains all the menu items. Gone are the days of having to toggle to expand and collapse items. This also means that the ‘Community’ item mentioned earlier has been replaced by three (more descriptive) items: ‘Bulletin board’, ‘Groups’, and ‘Neighbours’.

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This expanded drawer is also the first step towards a unified experience regardless of device. If you prefer to use Heynabo! through a browser on your desktop, this is the same menu you will see.

For admins

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While admins are a minority of our users, they are typically cornerstones in their community. Much of the information admins need in their day-to-day work has only been available via the Manager (a browser based admin panel). But we’d like to make is accessible to admins on the go.

The fist step is granting admins access to financial data directly in the app. So you can always get an overview of resident spending, unpaid invoices, and pending charges. Next up is app versions of the invitation center and community settings.

This wraps up build 2.0.20. We hope you like it. If there’s anything we missed, feel free to let us know on [email protected]